
7 Apr 2011

Done and displayed

Well it's been 3 weeks since I last posted and the time in the middle of that was spent visiting forum friends and revisiting places I've lived and finishing with UniDD's graduation. 
UniDD was delighted with the trial run, which was fortunate, as I had to do more unsewing and adjusting before she could wear it. Satin would not have stood up to all the handling/unpicking and as she said, the flowers on the trial one were the right red for the Uni gown but the red satin she'd chosen would have clashed. Whew!
Here is the end result without and with it's owner:

Forum friends, left to right - Me, Marg and Mary

and sometime photographer and co-driver my son, Konrad, who hates having his photo taken which is why this is about the only decent one I have of him during the trip!

I had to put this in as it's a temporary addition to the family until UniDD has new accommodation.
Meet Antoinette or Annie....

who has taken to farm life like a duck to water!


  1. OOH! I sew wanted to be there, but life got in the way as usual. Lovely daughter and son photos.

  2. Oh Robyn, the "trial" dress looks really good with the Uni gown, the yellow in the flowers also tones in well.

  3. Lovely pics, Rob. You must be so proud of your DD. Annie does look quite at home, and it is good to see the group piccie. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sandy. :)

  4. Lovely photos Robyn, Whats wrong with Konrad's phot, looks just like him.

  5. I love the dress. You have a lovely family. She looks lovely in her cap and gown congrats to her.
    Now Roybn I have a name with a face that is nice Thanks. B

  6. Lol, Buttons, it's lucky any of me was posted as I dislike photos of myself!
