
18 Mar 2011

On My Mind.....Finishing

Top left - stay stitching, Top right - my first attempt at boning lining!

Bottom left - Love my overlocker(serger)!, Bottom right - zipper pinned in place

Participating in OMM keeps me posting lately and by Friday there's usually something I'm thinking about.

This week it's finishing this dress and having it in the mail TODAY. Problem is it's only the trial run as I wasn't confident enough to alter the pattern and possibly waste metres of red satin if it went wrong. Lucky I still have 2 weeks before D-Day(Dress Day) and I know exactly how long it's taking me to make this one and where I encountered problems so the next one should be quicker as there will be no 'unstitching'!

Lol, pity daylight saving doesn't actually make the days longer!!

For more On My Mind visit Rhonda's blog.


  1. Looking good! I am hoping to delve into the world of dressmaking soon.

  2. I have overlocker envy - one day! Well done with boning - that's seriously hard work!

  3. Sounds like you have a big job ahead of you...Good luck with it all... :)

  4. Good luck, this is a big task but you'll get there.

  5. You're doing well, Rob. I can't remember the last time I sewed a zip into anything. :)

  6. Good on you for having the foresight to do a practise run before the real thing, by the look of it the practise one looks very nice anyway.

  7. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I know there's places that could have been made better....but I'm sure no one else can see them!

  8. can't wait to see the finished dress.

  9. Hi Rob , I hope you get this as I am having trouble getting a pm to you through the forum , see you on Thursday as planned . Clare
